This is the collage i created on the things i love using photoshop. I included food, music, dance etc. I got all the images from google.
As photoshop was new to me, i had a difficult time using it but eventually got hang of it.
The most common tool i used was the quick selection tool.
Quick selection tool helped me a lot as I could select the part of the picture i want and delete the rest. If the contrast of the subject and the backgroud was high then i simply used the magic eraser as it is easier to use.
After I was happy with my selection, I clicked 'Refine edge' . Refine edge helped me smooth out my image. I could change my smoothness to any level I wanted.
Initially, these layers were really confusing but after few trials, it was quite easy. The images u want to move and adjust, you had to make sure that's the one you selected. Also, the eye shows that the image can be seen on the screen. The rest are still there but hidden.
The history was extremely useful to me as I kept on making mistakes but I could go back to my previous work, simply by clicking on the step I wanted.